Association of Pharmacy Professionals

Instruction to Authors

Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research – ‘Bull. Pharm. Res.’ [ISSN: 2249-6041 (print);  ISSN: 2249-9245 (online)] is a trimesterly publication of Association of Pharmacy Professionals ‘APP’ which accepts original articles on any subject area related to pharmaceutical sciences including pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, phytopharmacy and phytomedicine, pharmaceutical biotechnology/microbiology, pharmaceutical analysis, drug regulatory affairs, quality control/assurance, biomedical  and other allied sciences. Submission of original manuscripts from all the countries of world are welcome. Reviews by experts of specific subject areas are also invited.
Manuscripts should be submitted only by email at [email protected] or  [email protected]. No hard copy submission will be entertained.
Each submitted manuscript will be given a unique manuscript ID within one week of submission. All future correspondence should be done through email mentioning manuscript ID in the subject line.
Manuscript should be written in Word format, double-spaced throughout in Times New Roman 12 font size. All headings should be in bold and capital, subheadings in bold and italic, and further subheadings in italic only.
The text should be divided into the following sections: Abstract (max. 200 words), Key words (max. 6), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Conclusion (may be part of discussion), Acknowledgement (if any) and References (not more than 40 for research articles, 75 for review articles).
All the tables and figures should be prepared in Word format and arranged at last of the manuscript and their position should be indicated as << Table 1 >>, << Figure 1 >>,  << Scheme 1 >>  in the main text.
References must be typed in following format:
a) for research/review article:
Author surname followed by initial. Title of paper, Journal name (abbreviated and in italics) Year;Vol no.(Issue no.):Page no. range. [DOI: (if any)]
Dahiya R. Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of a glycine-rich peptide – cherimolacyclopeptide E. J. Chil. Chem. Soc. 2007;52(3):1224-9. [DOI: 10.4067/S0717-970720 0700030000]

Kumar V, Madan AK. Application of graph theory: prediction of glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibitory activity of thiadiazolidinones as potential drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2005;24(2-3):213-8. [DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2004.10.013 ]

Dahiya S, Pathak K, Sharma R. Development of extended release coevaporates and coprecipitates of promethazine HCl with acrylic polymers: Formulation considerations. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2008;56(4):504-8. [DOI: 10.1248/cpb.56.504]

Himaja M, Kumar KH, Ramana MV, Belagali SL. Synthetic studies on pseudostellarin A. Pol. J. Chem. 1999;73(11):1903-7.

b) for book:
Author surname followed by initial. Title of book, Publisher: City/Country, Year; Page no. range.
Bodanszky M, Bodanszky A. The Practice of Peptide Synthesis, Springer-Verlag: New York, 1984; 78-143.
References must be cited in text in following format:
a)for articles having one author:
(Author surname, year) eg. (Dahiya, 2007)

b) for articles having two authors:

(First author surname and second author surname, year) eg. (Kumar and Madan, 2005)

c) for articles having more than two authors:

(First author surname followed by et al year) eg. (Dahiya et al 2008), (Himaja et al 1999)

Corresponding author will receive full paper PDF of the published article free of charge, if the manuscript is accepted for publication.

All the manuscripts are subjected to peer-review procedure and editorial board reserves the right to condense or make necessary changes in the research/review articles. Responsibility of contents of the manuscript rests on the authors and not upon the editor/publisher.
The manuscript which are not prepared as per guidelines will not be entertained and returned to the corresponding author.

Some important points to consider before submitting manuscript:

• Millilitre should be written as ‘ml’ not as ‘mL’ or ‘millilitre’
• Grams should be written as ‘g’ not as ‘gm’ or ‘gms’
• Percentage should be written as ‘25%’ not as ‘25 %’
• Hours should be written as ‘h’ not as ‘hr’ or ‘hrs’
• Microbial/any other species name should be mentioned in italics
• Each term mentioned in abbreviated form must be written in full wherever used for first time
• Multiplication sign should be inserted as symbol, not as ‘small x’
• Terms ‘ortho’, ‘meta’ and ‘para’ should be written in italics as ‘o’, ‘m’ and ‘p’.

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